▶ Fixing Real World Ruby Performance and Memory Problems— A dense 30 minute RubyConf talk that digs into two real world stories of resolving performance problems and memory leaks using rbtrace, ruby-prof, stackprof, and other tools and techniques. You will learn things here! Frederick Cheung |
Ruby Concurrency Progress Report— The results of a discussion with Matz and Koichi about concurrency in Ruby 3. I am not sure any of it is binding (yet), but it’s interesting to hear which topics and approaches made the list. Samuel Williams |
The Easiest Way to Run Redis— Better monitoring, seamless scaling, durable and portable Redis hosting supporting all the latest features. RedisGreen sponsor |
JIT and Ruby's MJIT— An excellent explanation of what JIT is, what Ruby’s MJIT is, where it helps, where it hurts, and how you can use it. Noah Gibbs |
Ruby, Where Do We Go Now?— The author of RuboCop goes through recent additions, rejections, and reversions of features in Ruby in what is a bit rantish but comes from a well-informed place. Bozhidar Batsov |
An Epic Collection of Ruby One Liners— This was a popular item last year, but I wanted to feature it again as recently I’ve really been enjoying using Ruby as a ‘swiss army knife’ for all sorts of tasks, and these examples are helpful. Sundeep Agarwal |
Backend Engineer (Stockholm)— Join an interactive presentation service, Stockholm based, product-first, gender-equal, inclusive and profitable startup with customers from over 150 countries Mentimeter |
Find a Job Through Vettery— Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers. Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Vettery |
Decimating Deprecated Finders— If you’ve been sitting on upgrades of your Rails 5 (and earlier) apps and you have a bunch of old-style finders, then maybe Synvert can help with all its parser-y goodness. thoughtbot |