The Art of Writing a Good Ruby Gem Specification— Piotr’s goal here is to clear up any confusion you might have about putting together a Gemfile.spec for any gems you choose to build, as while there are tools to help you to do this, there’s still a lot you need to do by hand. Piotr Murach |
Official Docs for Ruby 2.7's Pattern Matching— The docs for the nascent pattern matching added to 2.7. You probably know that you can bind variables using pattern matching, but what about variable pinning? What class implements deconstruct_keys ? |
RubyKaigi 2020 Postponed Due to Coronavirus— RubyKaigi is essentially the Ruby conference and is hosted in Japan every year. It was due to take place in April but has been pushed back until September due to the COVID-19 outbreak that has affected many other events like F8, Google I/O, and dotGo. RubyKaigi Team |
Find a Dev Job Through Vettery— Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers. Vettery |
Syntax Highlighting with Action Text— Action Text is the framework that provides rich text editing support to Rails 6+ apps. This 10 minute screencast walks through the practicalities of using it and adding syntax highlighting functionality. Drifting Ruby |
Rails 6 Added 'Jitter' to ActiveJob::Exceptions.retry_on — Let’s say some failure in your system causes a lot of background jobs to fail at around the same time.. if they’re all retried at a set interval, you end up with a ‘thundering herd’ effect. Adding jitter to the retry time helps prevent this. Aditya Narsapurkar |
JRuby Released— Fixes a regression in JRuby that broke gems and gem paths packaged inside JAR files. Compatible with Ruby 2.5.x. JRuby |